Saturday, October 13, 2007


Alright, so outside my window they are building a new apartment building, meaning the loud construction begins at about 7:30 every morning, waking me up way before I need to get out of bed. Yesterday was a national holiday in Spain, so luckily there was no construction to wake me up and I definitely slept in. Well.. last night I didn't want to drink when we went out to this bar, so I made the mistake of drinking half of an energy drink that was leftover from one of my friend's vodka and red bull. I didn't really think anything of it.. then I came back home before 2 so I could use the metro instead of a night bus or taxi. Trisha has lovingly left her computer in my apartment this weekend because we discovered that we can get internet from here and I also need it to read some stuff for homework by Tuesday. So I was playing on the computer, then talked to my mom and dad and little sister until 4 AM!!! It was good to talk to them since I only get to about once a week or so, but I still wasn't tired when I got off the phone thanks to that half of an energy drink. I forced myself to lay down at about 4:30 and I think I finally fell asleep sometime after 5... and then the CONSTRUCTION starts at 8:00 in the morning!!! It is a Saturday, and a holiday weekend, why is there construction on a Saturday?!? I just don't understand.. so I was hoping to get a nap today, but my host parents came home from their weekend away and wanted to talk to me forever. Now, I get to look forward to another awkward lunch with their three kids, spouses, and children tomorrow... YAY!!!! (That was a very sarcastic yay considering there are 10 of them when they all come over and it is just really overwhelming.) This is the fourth weekend that I have been here (because one of them I was in Galicia and the other in London) and each weekend at least one of their children and his/her family has come over for lunch.... AHHH!

Anywho.. life is actually good right now. Since I did have the apartment to myself since Thursday morning, I've had a pretty relaxing weekend so far. Some of the girls came over Thursday night and we all hung out here, which was a lot of fun. Lastnight we went to La Fira, which is a pretty fun bar that is decorated like a carnival, so I had fun just people watching like I do most of the time when we go out. I finished reading a book that I was reading.. it was weird. And I get the unusual pleasure of using the internet from my apartment... all in all I would say I have had a great weekend and I even have one day left of it! Maybe I'll try to find a way of getting out of the family lunch tomorrow... I'll have to think about that one a bit.

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