Saturday, April 5, 2008

School, RAness, Ireland, and life

Wow, I can´t believe it is already the 5th of April!! I have less than 5 weeks left until I go home... I am getting soooo excited. But then again, I am also getting sad as my time here starts to come to an end. Meanwhile, I still have a ton of stuff to do in the next 5 weeks before it is time to go! I still have two papers to write before the end of the semester as well as a pretty big project for my photography class. I´m not really too concerned because I know I´ll find a time to force myself to sit down and do all of it.

The rest of my life is pretty exciting at the moment. I got an email this week saying that I was rehired as an RA for this coming school year. The weird thing is that I was placed in Schwalm Hall... which wasn´t on my list of choices at all. The reason it is so strange is because last year I was an RA in East, which is the all women´s residence hall, and Schwalm is 4 floors of males and only 2 of females... so yeah... strange. Oh well, I´m not really sure who all is on my staff yet, but I think it will be a challenge nonetheless, and I am excited about the experience of a co-ed staff.

Next weekend I am going to Ireland with a few of my girlfriends that are here for the year with me. It should be a really fun trip. Unfortunately, my funds have pretty much been depleted, so I think this is my last trip of the semester. I was hoping to be able to make it to Madrid, but I just don´t think it is going to happen. I have already started a list of places I want to go next time I get to come back to Europe, so Madrid is just another addition. I´m not really disappointed because I have been able to travel so many places since I have been here on a pretty tight budget. We´re just going to hope that maybe next time I come to Europe, I have a little more money and can hit the other places I want to see.

Let´s see... RA, Ireland, school... I think that is about it. Life in the apartment with the host parents is back to normal. We had Ana (the youngest granddaughter) with us again this week until Wednesday and it was fun. My host parents are at a wedding this weekend in a pueblo just outside of Barcelona, so I again have the apartment to myself. I am enjoying it, but also kind of sad that my host parents are gone this weekend and I´ll be gone next weekend... then I only have a few more weekends left with them before I go home! They have already started talking to me about when I am coming back to visit and all that, so I know I´ll always be welcomed back, but it is still sad to talk about leaving. Hmmm... growing up is just hard. Growing and changing is not one of my favorite things, but I am definitely much better at dealing with it now than I ever was before. Maybe that means I´m maturing a little...?! Who knows... well, that´s all for now.

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