Wednesday, May 7, 2008

2 days

I´m sitting here in the lab, 20 minutes before my lit exam and can´t seem to make myself study for it. Granted, it is an open notes exam, so it shouldn´t be difficult, but still... I should at least re-read my notes, right? I will...

Anywho, I leave in two short days, which is really only one short day because I have the rest of today, tomorrow, and then my host parents and I are leaving the house at 4:30 in the morning on Friday to get to the airport by 5 for my 7 AM flight. After the whole fiasco with the Ireland flight, they don´t want to take any chances with me missing this one! It´s gotten to a point in the last few days that I´ve realized how much I really will miss my host parents. I wish that I would have gotten the email address of one of their children or children-in-laws so that I could stay in touch that way. I may still ask for one, but it is just hard at the moment with David still being in the hospital and all that. By the way, David is doing really well. The surgeries a week and a half ago went well and he is recovering quickly. He got bored in the hospital room the other day and called our apartment just to tell us that he was sitting in a chair... that is really amazing progress considering his pelvic bone was broken in 3 places and dislocated a short week and a half ago!! Ana, David´s youngest daughter, just turned 1 on the 1st of this month, so that is exciting. She is at our apartment right now because my host parents took her to the doctor this morning for her 1 year checkup. He said she is a healthy little girl! I´m really happy that I got to see her again before I leave.

Oh, for those of you that know me and my procrastination skills when it comes to packing, you will be happy to know that I actually started packing last week when I was procrastinating from studying for finals! So, each of my suitcases is half full, and I am waiting until tomorrow to put the rest of the shoes, books, and other random heavy things in. Here´s to hoping that none of the suitcases are overweight...

Hmm... lets see, what else.. I have too many thoughts flowing through my head right now to even focus on putting any of them in words. So, I guess for now this is all I´ll write. I´m going to try and keep blogging (probably less frequently) once I get back home, at least for the summer. After that, we´ll see what happens. Anywho, I´m out for now. Wish me luck on this exam!!!


Kacie said...

I'm sure you rocked that exam! Open note finals...not fair. I took one of my exams yesterday and it wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting. I can't believe you are flying home tomorrow! Enjoy everything for me, and I can't wait to see you sometime this summer. LOVE YOU :)

Nico said...

Nothing to get you to do something you usually avoid like avoiding something else you want to do less.

What does Catalán sound like? I heard an interview and couldn't decide whether it was Catalán or Portuguese. This may sound stupid, but the fact remains that I don't speak a word of either.