Thursday, October 4, 2007


I´m going to London. Some of you know this, I think, but a lot don´t. I leave tonight for London and I´ll come back late Sunday night. I´m going with Emily, Wendy, and Trisha and don´t know what exactly we´ll do while we are there, but I KNOW I will be visiting platform 9 3/4!!! I am pretty easy to please... give me either Disney or Harry Potter and some food and I will be a happy camper. It should be exciting to find my way to the airport though since Wendy and Trisha left lastnight, Emily and I are going together tonight. I´m hoping we get to the airport alright and then easily find our hostel once we get there... if not, it should make for a good story!! Hmm, that´s about it for me right now. I´ll hopefully have good pictures and stories to post once I get back.


Anonymous said...

YAY!!! Platform 9 and 3/4!!! So exciting....take a picture or two!!! I LOVE YOU! (and miss you lots too!) Have fun.

Anonymous said...

It seems like you are having a great time and thats so exciting that you get to go to London!! I miss you a ton and I'm sad that you won't be around for my birthday this month because I wanted you, Trisha and Katy and I to get together for it. But thats ok, I can get together with you guys another time! Be safe and I LOVE YOU!!! :)

Anonymous said...

I posted a link to your blog on my website.