Wednesday, October 24, 2007

More sad news...

Okay, so I know I keep posting not so happy things up here, but I got another phone call from home earlier and my little sister told me that they had to put Grizzly, one of our 3 dogs, to sleep on Monday. For any of you that have ever been to my house, I´m sure you never forgot Grizzly, the big fat brown dog that looked like a mixture of a pig and a bear... but he was really sweet. Apparently he just got really sick in the last few weeks and there wasn´t anything more that could be done for him. This is the second one of my dogs that has died since I went to college. The first one died in the fall of my Freshman year and now Grizzly... They were both 12 or 13 when they died, so they lived good lives, but it will be very strange to go home in May and only have 2 dogs there. The other sad news is that another one of my dogs is pretty sick with arthritis and everything. He is already 13, and my mom isn´t sure that he will make it through the winter. I hope he does because I´m not sure how much more death I can deal with. So here´s to my good old Grizzly Bear...

More not so great news is I AM SICK!!! Like, I thought that I might just get over the cough and feel better, but NO! Now I have moved to nonstop sneezing (I´ve already sneezed 6 times since entering the computer lab) and a very runny nose. I think and I´m hoping this is just sinus problems due to the quick change in temperature here in Barcelona and that a couple days of psuedophedrine will solve the problem... since I only have a 3 day supply of the medicine left. At least the cough has stopped for the most part, right? The good thing is that I only have 3 classes left, one tonight and two tomorrow, and then I am done for the week. Hopefully my three day weekend will be full of plenty of rest and help me to get better.

Hmm... let´s see. I want to give you some good news... I did recieve a package last week as well as a letter from my grandma, so those were both very good things. My package was from Gould Farm, where I lived and worked two summers ago on a Pathways grant. It was a yellow tie-dyed t-shirt from Roadside Cafe, the cafe owned by the farm that I worked at every day. It made me pretty happy! And the letter from my grandma was very sweet and included a copy of my grandpa´s obituary made into a very pretty bookmark. (Oops... 7 sneezes) I also got a couple emails last week that made me very happy. So, life isn´t so bad, it is just full of getting through sicknesses and working past deaths... Hope you all are doing well!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Grizzly! Wasn't he the one that ran over tricia at your house? I am sorry sweety! I am hopeing that you get sickness! I am happy that you got a package from Gould Farm! That is exciting!