Friday, October 26, 2007

Thank you.

Today is a good day. In the last few days I have recieved some emails from some of my closest friends... it is in the kind words they send that I find I can go on each day. I love hearing from home from all of the people that have touched my life over the years. Somehow, being across the ocean from all of them makes me truly realize how important every single one of them is. I know it is a sad thing that it takes me being so far away for this to hit me, but I think we all take what we have for granted every once in a while. While I was at home, I become so comfortable with who and what was around me that I didn´t realize how lucky I was to have all of them. So today is a wonderful day. I am feeling much better with no sneezes, it is the first day of my 3 day weekend, I get to go on a trip to visit a beautiful monastery tomorrow for free, and the sunshine is absolutely gorgeous outside today... I couldn´t really ask for anything more! So thank you to each and every one of you who has sent any sort of encouragement my way in the last few months. You know, the grandfather of one of the other girls in my program died this week, and she immediately left to go home for the funeral. At first I was really jealous that she had the financial ability to go home like that and that I was stuck here when my grandpa died. Then, after thinking about it, I realized that I didn´t really need to go home for the sad funeral service just to be jetlagged and way behind in schoolwork when I got back, because I had so much support from everyone at home while I was here. So thank you all for helping me to be strong while I am here. You all know how much I hate change, and yet how I tend to throw myself into unusual and continually changing situations... but you all still support me. Thank you. I love you all.

1 comment:

Tanasha said...

Enjoy the wonderful sunshine. Do the leaves change colors there too?

Have a great day!