Tuesday, March 11, 2008


The protests are officially over... for now. And we have classes again this week. Here is how my week has been so far.

Monday morning: I went to the class that I didn´t have either Monday or Tuesday last week because of the protests and found out that we were still going to have our exam Tuesday (meaning today). I wasn´t excited.

Monday afternoon: I went to my class that I did have last week and realized that I still love the professor because he is crazy and tells funny jokes.. that only one other girl and I seem to get.

Monday night: I finished editing my senior RA application for the last time and sent it in. I left the university and met Trisha to study for our exam. I copied her outline she made and talked to her. I went to my apartment and entertained Ana (the 11 month old granddaughter of my host parents who is with us for a third week) while watching Pasapalabra (a game show about words that I watch religiously every night with my host parents). After dinner I went to my room and studied for about an hour or so and then went to bed.

Tuesday morning: I woke up early to study for the exam and then left at 10 to go with Trisha to The Bagel Shop, which is the only place in Barcelona that serves bagels. Over our breakfast we studied, made up an acronym to remember the order of events since it was an exam over the foundation of europe, and wasted some time. I took the exam and did pretty well (I hope).

Tuesday afternoon: I ate my bocadillo (sandwich) on my way to Catalan class, which I haven´t been to in over a week because I was sick, the protests, and I had another exam in another class. Catalan was... entertaining, as usual, and I learned how to say f*** you in catalan because the verb was actually in our workbook. My professor seemed a little nervous as he was talking about it, but quickly moved on and got over it.

And now I am here. That´s all.. my life isn´t too exciting. I have another class in 15 minutes and then I´ll head home to entertain the baby until it is time for her to go to bed. I do have the returning RA application to finish, and I think I may also apply to be a SOL (student orientation leader) since I got an email personally inviting me to do so... I think they just don´t have very many applicants this year. But it would be fun to be a SOL, so I´ll probably do it. The most exciting thing about my week is that I have another exam tomorrow afternoon that I have yet to study for and the fact that Kacie is coming to visit on Friday!!! Okay, so they aren´t really in the same category, Kacie is way more exciting!!! I´m not quite sure what we´ll be doing yet, but I also have to find some time on Friday to be able to get to a phone for my senior RA interview... we´ll see how it all works out. Anywho, that´s life right now. Less than 9 weeks until I go home! And another one of my friends here is going home for holy week and is going to bring back some cheese pringles, skittles, and other foods that I miss from home, so that makes me super super happy. Hmm.. this is a really random and sort of boring post. I´ll try to make the next one more organized and not rambly... until then, have a good week all of my readers!!!

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