Wednesday, March 5, 2008


I am very irritated with the Spanish students right now. Why, you ask! Because they are standing in front of the door of the GeografĂ­a and Historia building and will not let me in for class. They have been doing this since Monday. Now, usually I would not complain about having no class... but I HAVE MIDTERMS NEXT WEEK!!!! And I haven´t had any of my classes that are held in the morning in that building all week. I understand that the students are protesting the privatization of the university, but that doesn´t mean that they have to block the doors and not allow anyone in the building! I can´t even get to the BCA office to sign up for our outing later this month or to talk to the director of our program. I think the most frustrating thing is that I have had to come to campus everyday just to find the situation the same. It would be really nice if the directors of BCA here (whose office is in that building) would call us students and tell us that there will be no class rather than making us come all the way here everyday and worry that we are missing it. I have heard NOTHING all week from any of the people who work in the BCA office telling us what to do until today when Trisha finally called the office to ask. This is a problem seeing as we have no idea what is on our midterm exams next week... Basically I am frustrated with the protesting spanish students, the directors of BCA, and the fact that it is really windy and cold today.

In other news, I have a sinus infection. Yes, green snot and all... it is not good and I want it to go away. But, that´s life.

Also, Ana is with us again this week until later tonight, which means that my host parents have been pretty much consumed with taking care of her since Sunday. This means that they haven´t yet noticed how sick I am and I´m not sure how I feel about that. I just want some soup. And I want to go home and be with my Mommy.. she makes things better when I´m sick and I´ve been sick way to many times here without her in the past 6 months.

I´m really not unhappy, just frustrated. Hopefully once the protests stop and the weather gets less windy and more sunny my mood will do the same. Until then, I´m going back to bed.

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