Tuesday, February 26, 2008


I know that I´m getting pretty bad at this updating the blog thing. It really has to do with the fact that I spend less time at the University this semester than I did last semester. My classes this semester (which I´ve finally settled on) are actually closer together, so I don´t have as much down time to spend in the labs waiting for my next class to start. So I apologize for not updating very often. I´ll try to do better.

Meanwhile, not much has changed here in the last week. I am still thrilled about getting Conceptos Fundamentales passed to count as Western Civilization back at school. I finally decided which classes, exactly, I am taking this semester even though it is the 4th week of class and midterms are only 2 weeks away. I went out both Friday and Saturday night for about an hour or so against my will, and didn´t drink at all. I´m trying not to spend any money at all on anything but school stuff or my trip to Madrid or my trip to Ireland. I finally booked my flight to Ireland (for April) and am excited that two of my friends who are also BCA year students will be going as well. I´m also excited that I talked Brandon into coming down from Northern Ireland that weekend to visit Dublin with my friends and me. It should be really really fun!!! That´s about it... like I´ve said before, life here is pretty normal and routine once the semester and classes start.

Okay, one quick thing... my host parents´ youngest granddaughter is staying with us for a couple of days and she is only about a year old... I think she is actually about 9 or 10 months. Her name is Ana, and she is absolutely adorable!!!! She came over Sunday night and is with us until Wednesday evening... It has just been so much fun to have her in the house and to get to play babysitter for her! This morning she crawled all the way to my room and just started smiling and laughing when she saw me once she got there. It was so cute!! So yeah, it was a fun way to start my day, with the smiles and laughter of a beautiful little girl. I´m going to be kind of sad when she leaves on Wednesday!

1 comment:

Nico said...

I hate it when people leave comments completely unrelated to the post.

You haven't gotten an RA app from Nick yet, have you? I'm getting pretty close to a two-week spring break...