Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Week two of classes...

Well, it is officially the second week of school and I have still only been to two of my classes, which actually only means one. See, I went to this one literature class last week and decided I didn´t like it and was going to take this other one which I have yet to go to, but another one of the year long BCA students is taking it too. So, that means out of my 5 classes, I´ve been to 1 of them. Tomorrow the classes in the GeografĂ­a y Historia building begin, meaning I´ll go to the first of two of my classes, and then Catalan starts next week. I´m really not excited about any of them starting, but I guess I feel like the sooner they start, the sooner they will end. Like I´ve said before, it isn´t that I don´t like being here in Barcelona. I actually really enjoy living here. It is just that I don´t like the classes and their subjects... I´m no good at History and Literature and all that stuff... plus you add the whole "they are taught in Spanish" part on top of it, and I am REALLY not good at it!! So, needless to say, I will be happy to be back on campus next Fall taking classes in English and at least one Psych course.... Anyway, other than that, there isn´t too much going on here. I am still a little sick, but it is basically allergies. Once Barcelona picks a temperature and sticks with it, my body will be very happy. Oh, and today is Trisha´s 21st birthday, so we are going out to dinner to celebrate. That´s about it right now. Hope you are all doing well... when something exciting happens in my life, I´ll be sure to let you know!

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