Sunday, December 23, 2007


Yesterday for lunch I had a turkey leg, a really really big turkey leg. Then today for lunch we had "conejo" which is rabbit... The turkey was really random, but the fact that we had rabbit is actually pretty funny. See, about a week ago on the news there was a story about a guy who raised rabbits and how he was having large sales for the holidays. So I asked if a lot of people here eat it. My host mom didn´t really give a definitive yes or no before my host dad started going off about how much he loves conejo but that they never eat it. Then my host mom started to say how it is one of the best meats for you to eat. All the while, the news story was still on. All of a sudden, my host dad said "We´ll buy one tomorrow!" And my host mom started to argue with him and said "No! YOU will buy one tomorrow, not me!!" Apparently this is because she doesn´t like it very much. So then, today when I sat down for lunch, my host dad looked up and smiled at me, pointed to the plate of meat and said "Conejo!!!" So, I can add that to my list of meats that I have tried. It wasn´t too bad, once I got past the fact that I was eating a cute little bunny...

In other news, I had a not so fun experience on the metro the other day. While I was on the metro on Friday a man got on and stood next to me on one of the lean/sit bars. I found this a little strange because there was an empty one right across from me and another one diagonally from me. But, okay, right? So as I am standing there, he puts his stuff down and then I felt his hand on the bar, really close to my rear end... so I scoot over towards the wall a little bit thinking maybe it was just an accident. His hand followed and really was actually touching, REALLY touching my butt. So I immediately move over to the door and get off at the stop we just got to. I switched to another car and was pretty sure that he didn´t see where I went because there weren´t any windows between the car I came from and the one I went to. At the next stop, a lot of people got on, including the man from before. He looks at me, smiles, and walks right over so he is in the exact same spot as he was before on the previous car. At this point I was quite freaked out, so I walked to the opposite end of the car and got off at the next stop. Luckily I was only a stop away from where I was going, so I just left the metro altogether and walked in the most roundabout way possible to my location. It was so weird/scary/annoying... and I think the worst part is that it was the second time in a week that I couldn´t get a guy to leave me alone on the metro. I never had really thought about the dangers of being a female and traveling around Europe alone, but the reality of it just hit me. I know that I´ll be fine and God will protect me, but I just need to be very aware of my surroundings at all times and take extra precautions. Luckily with the two incidents here in the past week I was on metro lines and in a city that I am familiar with. That isn´t going to be the case in January!! So, just pray that I stay safe during my travels and that I don´t have anymore incidents with unagreeable males!!!

And for more happy news, tomorrow begins all of the fiestas for Navidad here in Barcelona! Tomorrow we´ll be going to the oldest daughter´s house for a huge family dinner. Tuesday we´ll be going to the son´s apartment for a big family lunch. And Wednesday they will all be coming to our apartment for another family meal, though I´m not sure which this will be. It should be fun and interesting and awkward and hard and a lot of other things... I´ll let you know how it all went once I can get back into the lab on Thursday! Until then, Merry Christmas, Bones Festes, and Feliz Navidad!!

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