Thursday, December 13, 2007


I´m done. Officially. The semester is over and I didn´t die. Tuesday I had three exams, just like I did during midterms, and then Wednesday I had two exams (one of them being Catalan). Though I don´t feel like I did spectacularly on any of the tests, I think I did fine.

So now begins my 7 weeks of break, 53 days, to be exact. For the next three days or so most of the BCA kids are still here, so I´ll spend time with them. After that, though, I am on my own. It should be fun, though. I ordered my train pass, finally for the January trip that I´ll be taking. The pass is for 10 trips in 2 months, but I´ll be using all 10 trips in less than a month. The route, for now is Geneva, Venice, Rome, Munich, Vienna, Budapest, Prague, Amsterdam, Lisbon, Madrid. Though I don´t really want to use one of my passes to go to Madrid since it is so close to Barcelona, I decided it was better for me to end up back in Spain rather than having to worry about getting a flight home from who knows where. I´ll be spending between 2 or 3 days in each of the countries. I´m actually getting pretty excited about the trip, but I still have a few more things to finish up the planning process. Then, next semester Kacie will be studying in England, and Brandon will be in Ireland... so I´ll probably be taking a trip to Ireland at some point, and I know that Kacie is coming to Barcelona over her Spring break. It will be fun to finally see some familiar faces from home!

I have 22 weeks left until I go home, which sounds like a lot, but when I think about how fast Christmas/January break is going to go it really isn´t much time at all. I finally figured out which classes I´m going to take next semester, which is a huge relief. I only have 4 more classes I need to take to complete my Spanish major, and then I am also throwing in some Gen Eds... so that means when I get home I should be all caught up and only have one semester of classes left to take! Which is perfect, because it means I´ll be able to do a full time field placement in the Spring. Everything just seems to be working out!

Umm.. that´s all really. Life hasn´t been too exciting this week since so much of it was consumed with studying. I´ll try and keep this as updated as possible in th next few weeks, but since I use the computers at the University, I am limited to their Christmas Break hours. I hope you are all enjoying the last few days of exams and school and Christmas shopping. Soon you´ll all be free for a few days, like me (only I get a lot more days of freedom...)!!!!

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