Thursday, December 20, 2007

Good things

I went back to the airport yesterday to pay that $75, but it was a wasted trip. For some reason, Air France in the US still hasn´t emailed Air France here, so they told me that I would have to come back, AGAIN!!! Now, it´s not that it is an incredibly long trip or anything to the airport, it is just inconvenient and the airport is annoyingly super busy. I also have this really irrational fear of airports, so going twice within a week is a really big thing for me!

Onto more exciting things... I watched Shrek 2 the other night with my host mom, and that was a lot of fun. I bought a sudoku book and have been doing them while watching the news with my host parents at night, and my host mom said she wanted to start doing them because they are "good for your brain." So on my way home from the airport yesterday, I stopped and got her a beginners book of sudokus, which were really really easy. She was really excited when I gave it to her. Then, lastnight I was reading in my room and she ran in at least three times, plopped down on the bed with me, and asked me if she was doing it right. Each time I clarified that you can only have the number once in each row, column, and square. This morning when I got up, she told me that she stayed up until 2 AM trying to do that first sudoku, but she just couldn´t figure it out!! I have really been enjoying my time with my host parents the last few days.

Other than that, life is good. My trip is planned, so now I just have to copy all of the details down onto paper for myself and type them up and send a copy to my parents at home so they don´t worry so much. I´ve been resting a lot, so I hopefully won´t get this cold that I feel coming on. And I think my Spanish is becoming more natural since I´ve been using it more in the last few days. So, I´m off to another wonderful home cooked meal... I think it is homemade chicken noodle soup (at least that is what it smelled like when I left!)...

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