Monday, November 26, 2007


This weekend was fun. It was Wendy's 21st birthday and we went out to celebrate Saturday night and went out to dinner on Sunday evening. You know, I never realized how important it is to so many people to be surrounded by lots of people and parties and whatnot on their birthdays until I came to college. I guess since my birthday always falls right around our family reunion in Michigan and I've spent most of my birthdays in the car on the way to Michigan, on the way home from Michigan, or in Michigan with all of our extended family, having a celebration isn't really ever a possibility. I mean, my dad has always gone out the morning of my birthday and bought a cake with a Disney character on it for me, which is the highlight of the day every year, but that is about it. It was fun, though, to make Wendy's day special for her here in a different country, especially since she was so convinced it was not going to be a good day at all! I like doing special things to make people appreciate their special days.. :) I guess I am really appreciative that I usually get to be with my family for or around my birthday, even if I share the birthday with the history of our family, right?

On another note, I think I have decided when I will officially be coming home. I am changing my ticket to either May 9th or 10th, depending on which is better for my parents. I decided that the professors of any University courses that I want to take next semester will have to allow me to take my finals early, or I just won't take the classes. This way I will be home within 3 or 4 days after my mom's birthday and before Mother's Day and graduation at Manchester. It also allows me a short bit of time to adjust back for a week or two before starting an internship or summer job, which will hopefully be lined up before I leave Spain. Ahh... there is so much to think about. At least one decision is made!!!


laura christine said...

how can you write something every other day?
makes a person feel...


congrats on making a decision, though.
I'm super bad at those.

Do people say "chevere" in Spain?

Anonymous said...

Yeah...I am happy that you made a decision about when you are coming home! I can now start a count down! Love you so much! Love the blogs too!