Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Tomorrow is Thanksgiving!!! And I am here... and you are all there... but it is going to be okay! Because, the directors of our BCA program here know the importance of good food on a holiday that is all about eating, so we get to have a Thanksgiving meal with turkey and all the fixings tomorrow in a restaurant down the street. I am pretty excited, first of all about eating in a restaurant for free, and secondly about eating Thanksgiving food!! The last food I had that tasted like something from home was when we went to Hard Rock Cafe to celebrate the end of exams.. and it was expensive. But, turkey and stuffing and mmmmmm... Yes, I am actually mostly excited about the turkey because we really only have ham here. If you know me and my eating habits at all, I don't eat ham at home, and if I do, it is a very special occasion. Needless to say, I often eat sandwiches (called bocadillos) that my host mom makes me with only the cheese and bread because I feel bad telling her yet another meat that I won't eat. I mean... I've already knocked off fish (which my host parents eat A LOT of), most types of sausage (which is the second most common bocadillo meat), and I rarely eat steak if she makes it for me. So, I just choke down the ham if it is served at dinner and throw it away if it is sent with me on a bocadillo... but now I get to eat TURKEY!!!!!

Alright, I just realized that I have been rambling on for an entire paragraph about food. I guess that's what you get when you are a fat kid and you are being denied fat kid friends and food. (For those of you who just got offended by me calling myself a fat kid, let me explain: Being a fat kid does not mean that you think you are fat, it simply means that you enjoy eating a lot, and the types of things you enjoy eating consist of many things that have a tendency to be high in fat and sugar content. This term simply means that at home I eat ALL the time and that I have a tendency to enjoy candy and sweets and ice cream and pizza and other delicious things that are bad for me.) See, at school, my best friends are fat kids with me who are always up for a Dairy Queen run no matter how cold it is outside, and at home I sort of force my non-fatkid friends (and sisters) to be fat kids with me and eat ice cream or any other junk food I can find. Ask my little sister if you would like confirmation. My mom is actually very happy about the change of diet and my high consumption of salads and whatnot since I've been here because she thinks that I am now going to be a much healthier eater. The problem is this: I actually really enjoy fruits, vegetables, and other healthy foods, but at school when I have very little money, it is much cheaper to invest in junk food, and it tastes sooooo good!!! So, much to my mother's dismay, my eating habits will not be changed forever once I return home. I am actually quite certain that they will return to their normal state very quickly in order to make up for all the lost junk food consumption time.

Okay, I realize this has been a pretty useless post. All the same, if any of you would like to send a package of candy this way... I wouldn't be too upset by that!! Again, sorry about the randomness... but then again, none of you would expect anything less!!



Unknown said...

Happy Thanksgiving Big Seester! I love you and miss you.

Tanasha said...

Happy Day After Thanksgiving! I thought you might like to know that I ate more than my brother yesterday. That's right. We had a contest and I won by a lot. Keeping with the food theme, when you come to visit me in Boston, I know exactly where the Ben and Jerry's is. We could be adventurous and try a different ice cream place, but I did that once in Boston, and the ice cream was terrible. Yes, Boston has terrible ice cream. Anyway, I hope you are having a fun Friday!

Anonymous said...

Oh the Fat Kid's Club! Still a memeber on Facebook! Fun times and food none stop! Love you!