Friday, November 16, 2007

Cold and Snow

Through some awesome detective skills (aka... checking people´s away messages), I have discovered that it has been snowing back at home. Yay, beautiful snow!!!! This give me mixed emotions... I mean, I love the snow and it signifies that the holidays are coming, which obviously makes me miss home and everyone there. However, in the last few weeks here, I have been FREEZING!!! It isn´t even very cold here, but I feel like the coldness here somehow effects me differently from the coldness at home. Maybe it is just the fact that my host parents don´t believe in turning the heat on in the apartment, so I sit around with 12 layers of clothing on, a hood tied tightly around my head, and gloves on my hands all the time. I honestly don´t know how I am going to handle the cold when I go home if I can´t even handle it here... what has happened to me?!? I´m not even exaggerating when I say that I put my coat on in the morning and don´t take it off until I get home in the evenings and replace it with two sweatshirts. My gloves, they pretty much stay on all the time including in all of my classes. I shivered while I slept lastnight even though I have two comfortors on my bed plus an extra blanket, and I slept in shorts, sweatpants, two shirts, and a sweatshirt. Is there something wrong with me?!?!

Alright, that´s all I have for today. I hope it warms up soon.


Unknown said...

Good Lord Mel, Im still wearing shorts and no shoes most of the time! How cold is it there? Like 50? geez.

Anonymous said...

Melissa...sorry to disappoint you, but it really hasn't snowed much here at all. There have been little flurries once or twice that I know of....sadness I know. But, it is getting colder. 25 degrees or so. (Just by the way, everyone ELSE in Indiana are wearing coats, gloves, and REAL shoes, while Mike is wearing shorts and no shoes (apparently)). Hehe. I understand how you feel, though, being cold. My apartment won't heat up and Jess's fiance kept complaining tonight, so we turned the air down and now I'm cold again. It was nice and warm at 78 earlier, but dang boys! Anyway. I love you and I miss you and I hope that you get warmer!!! Have a great weekend.