Monday, November 19, 2007

An experience to remember but not to be repeated.

The 24 hour or 36 hour or however many hour stomach flue or virus or whatever it is called attacked me this weekend and it was not fun at all. Remember my post about it being so cold on Friday? Well... after I left on Friday and then was coming back to take a test that afternoon, I threw up in the metro. That's right, I THREW UP IN THE METRO!!!! No, it was not a pleasant experience and is one I hope to never ever experience again. Needless to say, I didn't take that test that I was coming for and instead went back to my apartment, where I barely made it before spewing my guts all over the place once again. (Sorry for the graphic details, but it wasn't a fun thing, and I am trying to clearly paint a picture for you.) My host mom was very worried as soon as I walked back in the apartment and told me to get into bed right away.
I basically spent the next two days in my bed, excluding the few trips to the bathroom to throw up some more. My host parents even went to the farmacia to get me some medicine!! It was really sweet how they were taking care of me and fed me only food the pharmacist told them they could give me. They even turned the heat on in the apartment on the second day that I was confined to my bed! As of yesterday I was feeling much much much much much much better, but the stomach is still a bit quesy. It is for this reason I still haven't eaten much of substance, but I know I am getting better.

Besides being deathly ill all weekend, I did have a sort of fun and interesting day yesterday. All of the family came over again, this time to celebrate Ingrid's pregnancy with she and Joel!! So, we had some really delicious food (which I had a little of), some champagne (which I passed on), and these delicious cake things (which I also had a small slice of). It was interesting to see the difference between this dinner together and the first one that we had on my second day living with my host parents. I actually understood the conversation this time and could participate in some of it. It really amazes me how much the family just accepts me into it. I mean, it has got to be interesting for them to see new students come and go from their parents' house all the time, but they are great at just making me feel like I am wanted there. It is still a bit awkward at time, but after yesterday I feel like Christmas will be okay and I won't be intruding. Instead, I think they are happy I'll be there to share it with all of them.

There is also a festival in my neighborhood right now, and there were all sorts of festivities going on yesterday. Since I actually felt good enough to venture outside of my apartment, I went on a walk and saw a group of little kids and a different group of adults doing all sorts of really fun and cool traditional dances dressed in really fun outfits. There were all sorts of vendors there with products from Spain like wine and honey and other fun things. There were even rides for the kids and stuff! Now, I only stayed out for about 25 minutes, but it was a pretty fun excursion around the block. I'm hoping now that I am feeling better it will still be there so that I can get some cotton candy!! (I know, I'm a fat kid... I just can't help it!)

Okay, I'm off... Hope you all had a more pleasant weekend than I did!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you got better! I don't like the idea of you being sick! =(